New  Hobby  Idea .com /Model Trains  

Railroading EBooks

"Model Trains For Beginners"
This is the very best source of specialized model train how-to information. It will teach you how to create a model train layout that you will be supremely proud of. 
This is a comprehensive beginner through to intermediate, step-by-step approach to the best hobby in the world. Take a look, you won`t be sorry.
"Model Trains for Beginners" and 6 Bonus Books...WOW!

Pick Up Your Copy Today Here


"The Model Train Club"
Regardless of whether you are an absolute beginner, or have been in the hobby for years, there is always something new to learn and discover. 
Trouble is: trying to learn everything on your own is a daunting task, so that’s where the “Members Only”Model Train Club can help. 
As a member you'll get to share ideas with others and learn from the many step-by-step tutorials contributed by expert model railroaders with years of experience.
The club will keep you up to date with every aspect of this fascinating hobby.